Friday, October 21, 2016

Neha's 12J Valedictory Speech ...

12J, I can't even begin to describe how much i love each and every one of you. Being the “new girls” of this cohort has definitely had its ups and downs. With most of us entering at year 10 we were separated because of all the electives and yr 11 and 12 - jumping straight into VCE. I don't think any of us still know the school song properly, except for Chari of course.

Although at the very beginning we all felt a little lost and confused about being here, we have all grown to love this school and come together as a form. We have amazing leaders like Rachel, SRC vice pres, Emma debating captain and Olivia, who even printed out her resume for us in yr10 when she went for form captain! To add to the talent, we have Qi who is an absolute legend at chess and how can we forget.. Charlotte! - the next Usain Bolt (please don't forget us when you become famous). Natalie, winner of the “best smile”, thank you for always being so cheerful and positive. Lauren, thank you for always willing to give everyone hugs and being such a bright and bubbly person. Chari! You musical genius, thanks for always aiming for the stars..hope to see you on X Factor one day (no pressure). Nadia and Serra, I love your style and confidence and well done for looking on point every single day this year. Div, your talent for art is truly amazing, thank you for the anime and manga and trying to explain Pokemon to me!! Raveena, Fiona, Alicia and Emily, thanks for always being there at the lockers, I love our spontaneous conversations. Chloe - we’ve missed you this year, but we wish you all the best for next year, thanks for being a great designer for our enviro dress! Hala, thank you for always being such a positive person and i can see you as the future Mannix with all the yoga hahaha. Jenny! Thank you for always being there for me.. I'll miss talking to u in form everyday. Emma...we Welcomed u in Yr12, well done for doing the worlds greatest you!! Caroline and Radhika - you guys are absolutely crazy but thanks for never failing to make me laugh! Neoneo… what a rebel..Thank you for being the honorary photographer of our iconic 12J selfies thanks for all the laughs! Alex my cali girl! Hope your pigeons that flew away are safe! Saisai, for coming with me to Ms Murdoch's office and stealing all her lollies. rebel..thanks for all the iconic 12J selfies and finally Val, this whole event is named after YOU!

Last but not least, Ms.McAlpine: thank you for being with us before we even stepped foot into MacRob. Thank you for choosing each and every one of us to be part of the J form because without you we wouldn't be here today.

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