Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MacRob Student Company

Many students attended the first meeting of MacRob Student Company on Monday.  This new activity has been initiated by Emma Fu, a new student from 11J.  Impressive.
That's Emma below conducting the meeting.

"Recruiting meeting of THE MACROB STUDENT COMPANY

We had our first MSC info session on Monday lunchtime (20th of April) . Basically, the student company operates with a president, a vice president, and 4 different sectors which are: Accounting and Finance; Product and Design; Marketing and Public Relations; IT and Administration. Around 30 people signed up and a big thank-you goes to the interested students as well as supportive teachers.

The Macrob Student Company is a new initiative this year. It is a non-for profit, student-lead organization. Students experience a real-life company structure and together we organise activities and undergo long-term products to sell various products. This aims to develop skills of cooperation and critical thinking; to cultivate creativity as well as to associate business and economic skills learned in class with real life experiences. The money earned can go to support other clubs of Macrob, Social charity work etc."

Emma Fu (TIANCI)

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