As our trip wrapped up, we completed our journey to the much awaited Universal Studios! (Half of the group went to Disneyland, but I went to Universal, and so don't have any photos of Disneyland, if you do, please submit some to
There were lots of colourful and interesting buildings all vying for our attention.
We enjoyed a trip back in time, on the Jurassic Park water rides.
We fulfilled our childhood dream of going to Hogwarts and Hogsmead!
With the beverages straight from the book (gillywater, butterbeer etc), and performances by Beaubaxton and Durmstrang Academy, it was hard not to feel like you'd been sucked into the world of Harry Potter.
After a few rides, we headed off to the shops, and browsed the shelves full of strange, magical souvenirs.
The next, and final post about the America Trip will be about our experiences at Aviation Challenge Camp! Keep checking the blog to learn more!
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