Hey Girls!
On Friday 3rd of April, hundreds of girls and Suzanne Cory students set out on a mission to collect donations on behalf of the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. With an 8:30 am start, students FOURmed into their groups of 4, attended a quick info sesh and gathered their free food (YAY 7 handfuls of easter eggs and hot cross buns!). Then they went door-knocking around Melbourne, which meant waking up many sleeping beauties.
Pushing aside all the rejections received and lonely homes, students kept their enthusiasm levels high. Splitting into two pairs, one for each side of the street, encouraged a fun competition to see who could raise the most money. (Heavy tins = toned arms!) Some students hit the $100 note jackpot while others received jars full of 5 cent coins. The day was full of surprises and was an overall interesting experience.
A special thanks to the leaders of the Pied Piper’s, who have been hosting this event at Mac.Rob for over 10 years, as well as the drivers, parents and teachers who volunteered their public holiday morning driving students around various areas of Melbourne. Also to our fabulous GIV leaders and executives of 2015!! We definitely encourage everyone to get involved next year as it a wonderful experience to share with friends and to bond over your lonely holiday moments!!
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