Sunday, October 23, 2016

Orissa and Ivy's 12B Valedictory Speech ...

Thanks to Sam for the following photo:

Good evening, teachers, parents, and the wonderful students of 12B

Oh 12B, how far we’ve come. When I think of 12B, the thought that jumps immediately into my mind is our annual participation in the school fun run.

Though it is an non-mandatory event, ever since year 9, the class of 12B have banded together on a Wednesday after school to walk and run across the 5kms of Albert Lake.

As we gather here tonight to celebrate and reminisce over the past 4 years of our time together,it occurs to me just how well our participation in the fun run reflects upon the values and spirit our form embodies

Participating in fun run with the class of B has taught me so many things, some of which we’d like to share with you all today:

1. An afternoon spent with your friends is never a waste of time,even during the most stressful periods of your life

2. Sometimes, you need to take is slow in order to run faster. Resting when you need it is just as important as the will to push forward.

3. Everyone will set their own pace, some will sprint, others walk, and that will put distance between us, but thats okay, because true friends will wait for you at the finish line

Dearest 12B, intelligent, warm-hearted, considerate, hilarious, adorable 12B, in the coming years, lets never let the memories of these past few years stray far from our minds, and never let the best qualities we have brought out in each other be forgotten.

And so, with that, we’d like to unofficially announce 12B, the first ever form to have an unbroken 4 year fun run winning streak!!

Thank you 12B! Its been a pleasure.

Good luck for the fun, run of life!

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