Thank you to Rachel for this contribution.
This morning I went to the Monash University's International Women's Day celebration. It was an eye-opening experience which I wish to share with the Year 12 cohort. One of the speakers, Leanne Johnson wrote on her bio that she'd like to be a millionaire by 30. It, unfortunately, was shared with the whole of the Ernst & Young staff as her official bio. Although she could have been embarrassed she decided to flip this event into a positive thing for her and it enabled her to be bold and speak up in conference room discussions. Having reached the age of 29 she has nearly accomplished that goal and it proves as a testament to how being bold can get you places. She told us 5 lessons:
1. be bold
2. 3 P's
-have a purpose
-PLAN - segment projects into chunks
-be prepared to work your arse off and have persistence
3. Balanced
develop your behaviour skills now, not just your technical skills
4. Connect
Invest in your relationships, there is nothing more important than making and maintaining them
5. Curiosity
Ask questions in class and raise your hand in class even though you might be wrong, RISK IT
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