Sunday, November 15, 2015


The following is from an anonymous student.
"A shout out to all my fellow French (and all language) students - what happened in France was absolutely shocking.

But the events of today have shown the reason why what we do is so important. When you study a language, you're not only writing or hearing words on a sheet of paper, but you're being part of a living, breathing culture, a culture that can be celebrated, yet that can be attacked, like what we saw in Paris a few hours ago.

If you're feeling low about language SACs, orals and exams from time to time, I understand. But take solace in the fact that your tireless work safeguards the values of a culture that has contributed so much to the world. By doing French or any other language, you preserve the language of those who have perished. From now on, do it for the 153 people who will never be able to speak their mother tongue again.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité.

Thank you


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