Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Japanese exchange day 3 ...

Today was a long day for us again, instead of going to school, we went Himeji Castle. Although the train ride to Himeji was long, this gave us a good opportunity to catch up with our sleep !!! Being the first time for many of us visitting Himeji Castle, we were all mesmerised by its beautiful view.
The walk up to the top of the castle was long and tiring, there were a lot of staircases, making it feel like we were doing the 1000 steps
Because Himeji Castle has recently been renovated, there were a lot of people who came to see this attraction, the lines were very long and even taking photos from the top of the castle was difficult. However, the view was worth it!

After our little adventure to the castle, we were able to go to the himeji souvenir shop. Although we were only given 10 minutes, we were still able to find gifts for family and friends.

We arrived back to the local station and met up with our host sisters. From there, we eat lunch and go shopping.

The weather in Japan has been warm so far, so no need to worry about wearing thick jumpers and jackets just yet!!!



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