Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Amnesty Lunch ...

During lunchtime on Monday the 14th of September, GIV collaborated with Amnesty Club to hold the first ever AmnesTEA event at Macrob. The GIV committee were at school by 8am to begin food preparations. A surprise fire drill slowed us down, but the lovely weather improved our spirits and we were able to work well as a team to stick to schedule. The theme of our AmnesTEA was poverty simulation. We decided to base it around three distinct groups: first world, second world and third world. The food we prepared reflected the social standing of each group. While first world ate ravioli and cake, third world only had a small bowl of rice and beans! This was followed by trivia, where there was plenty of laughter and lollies to go around. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and learnt something new. All the funds we raised will go directly to Amnesty International. Thank you to everyone who participated. If you didn't get a chance to attend this year, don't worry because AmnesTEA will be back for 2016!  (Molly and team)


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