Through the three years that we've now been a form, 11H has grown and changed so much together. From battle of the forms in year 9 to this years enviro dress parade, we have been able to come together, work together and have fun together while working towards our goals. Every day in K104 we see each other, catch up and have a laugh, a nice little break from the some of the stress of VCE. Through supporting each other we've been lucky to have a stage manager, pallas editors, an SRC treasurer, a vice school captain (congrats Monique!) and many more make up a part of our awesome form, and we can be sure that the next year and a bit will only bring more exciting things. We are all so lucky and happy to be together and we're so excited to grow more as a form as we approach year 12 and the end of our high school lives!
Goodbye to our Godstowe 6 ...While you are enjoying your hot summer days, think about our Godstowe 6 who are off to cold, wintry Godstowe just outside London in a few weeks time. …Read More
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