On the 24th of April, the musicians from the schools orchestra and symphonic winds went to Ferngully Lodge for the schools second ever music camp. Not only did we practice our repertoire for different concerts and master them, but also bonded with many different other people. In total we had 8 rehearsals over the 2 nights and 3 days of the camp. We also had a game of trivia on the first night and a screening of Star Wars on the second. During free time, many people would jump on the trampolines, play pool and fusball, improv singing, eat leftovers, go on bush walks etc. We were woken up in the early hours of the morning to do some yoga and learn circus skills. Not only did this help us relax, but we were rewarded with freshly baked croissants and toast with eggs and bacon for breakfast afterwards. A very big special mention to Amanda's mum who volunteered to cook for us. We can all agree that the food was one of the best parts of the camp. Another special thanks to the teachers who gave up their time to be with everyone on the camp. They have put a lot of effort into our ensembles sounding amazing and given up their weekend to work with us. Overall, the camp was an amazing experience that will always be remembered. Rachel Yang.
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