Thursday, April 30, 2015

Biology excursion 30/4/15

Today, five year 11 3/4 biology students were lucky enough to attend the seminar held by GTAC (Gene Technology Access Centre) about "Your Body At War". The seminar was focussed on immunology, which we are studying at school at the present moment. We were able to listen to some amazing speakers and undertake three different sessions that expanded our knowledge.
In the first session we were able to play an online game that GTAC had just recently released, which showed us how the third line of defence worked and get a sense of it in a more hands on way. The second session allowed us to look through microscopes and compare samples of healthy and infected cells of different diseases. The third session helped us learn more about antibodies and we were able to undertake an experiment in which we had to find which individual had been infected with the bacteria by comparing samples.
Overall, the day was very fascinating and we learnt a lot through the different workshops and speakers.
Thank you to Ms Bormanis for coming along and helping us find our way around!
Ai-My Huynh (11I), Shirley Xu (11E), Shannon Teh (11F), Chaithrali Bhat (11I), Lisbeth Lalu (11I)

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