Physics Adventure to Luna Park (4/3/2015)
The students of Mac.Rob studying Physics 3/4 were provided exclusive access to a four hour hands on practical activity at Luna park! In other words, four hours of unlimited access to every ride at Luna Park for the purpose of experiencing the different g-forces of Physics.
As the students of physics entered the the amusement park through the mouth of Luna Park with the many other schools every one, after many months of anticipation for this day the Macrobbians set out to the allocated rides.
Rides that our Macrobbians dominated were the Pharoah’s Curse, the Spider, The Scenic Railway, the Twin Dragons, the Enterprise, the Drop thing and the little purple dragon and along with screaming that rang through the whole amusement park and the somewhat existence food that could be bought at Luna Park, the unlimited enthusiasm and the company of our friends the whole day turned out as perfectly as how the weather turned out.
The girls especially enjoyed the fact that they were able to go with their friends on every ride and as quoted from one of the students, “just being happy and enthusiastic about the experience, made the experience better”. However it was a little strange that everyone in Luna Park during our exclusive time were in Year12 whilst most our Physics students were Year 11s! On the way back, a few students struck up a conversation with another school who studied physics which was also added to the experience! As the day reached it’s 2:00 mark, everyone began to pack up whilst the rides closed down.
After a day of sheer excitement, deafening screams and the unbearable heat of the sun. Many students agreed that this excursion would help them visualise the physics concerning rides such as those at Luna Park much more easily in the future, having experienced it.
Thanks to our lenient teachers, unlike the other many schools which Luna park was open up to, the students did not have run around completing worksheets while trying to enjoy the rides which was a bonus! Hopefully this day really did help our physics students get a deeper insight into the Physics of rides although I’m quite sure we all know they were more focussed on getting on their favourite rides!!!
A very special and huge thanks to Ms.Sandulache and Mr.Richards for making this day possible from the detailed planning since last year to skipping out on rides to looking after out bags although we all know the real reason as to why Ms San skipped out on the rides (do you?).
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